nhu tieu de minh can mua 1 W3 DK or w2.5 DK set DK 4%+5% or 445+13luck Kiem ngon do ex nhe' vidu. DQN or CPD ai ban sdt minh 0169 800 5573 op PM DarkGosh trong game SV DEVuong nhe =mua The? or neu gan thi =VND a em nao di wa UP cho cai Nhe' TK:}
nhu tieu de minh can mua 1 W3 DK or w2.5 DK set DK 4%+5% or 445+13luck Kiem ngon do ex nhe' vidu. DQN or CPD ai ban sdt minh 0169 800 5573 op PM DarkGosh trong game SV DEVuong nhe =mua The? or neu gan thi =VND a em nao di wa UP cho cai Nhe' TK:}
ak wen Minh o Bac Ninh anh em nao o HN ban= VND minh co the? wa mua dc con xa wa thi GD= the or ATM nhe
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